Affiliation number : 2430443

School Rules

Delhi World Public Schools ensure that there is, at all times, an atmosphere and ethos that supports and encourages learning based on respect for the individual.

Positive behavior is at the heart of a learning-centric school. Every student has the right to be   taught in an environment which ensures safety, and that which is conducive to learning, and free from disruption.

It is towards creating such an environment that the students are required to adhere to certain basic regulations which ensure uniformity, discipline and good order, and which serves the following broad objectives:

  • To support and enable a positive learning experience for all, and sustaining such an environment
  • To recognize and celebrate the students contribution within the school community towards the above objective.
  • To take appropriate action in case individual or group behaviour acts to prevent learning in an ordered and supportive environment.

“All students at Delhi World Public School, therefore, have to strictly abide by rules & regulations laid down by the school management. Some of the major ones are as listed below. In addition students will be required to adhere to instructions issued from time to time.”

  1. Students are advised to be punctual at all times, to school, to classes and for the designated activities.
  2. Students will follow the daily routine of the school, unless exempted on medical grounds on recommendation of the Medical Officer.
  3. Students, once inside the campus, shall not leave the school premises unless authorized to do so.
  4. Students should ensure that cleanliness is maintained. Any attempt to litter or deface school property, or property of others shall be dealt with accordingly
  5. Students are not allowed to stay in the classrooms during games/activity periods.
  6. Students are not allowed to keep or take prescription drugs/ medicines without the knowledge of the Class Teacher/Medical Officer.
  7. Students are prohibited from aimless loitering in the corridors or anywhere on the campus, except during recess.
  8. Mobile Phones are not allowed in the school campus.
  9. Other electronic gadgets such as Walkman, CD Players, I Pods and tape-recorders should not be brought to school.
  10. Parents to ensure that cash/valuable articles are not sent through your ward(s).
  11. All notices will be put up on the Notice Board. Announcements, if any, will be made during assembly.
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